COTEC Portugal organized on 7th October at Porto, the VI Meeting COTEC Europe, an event that unites the Spanish counterparts, Italian and Portuguese in order to enhance contacts and exchange of experiences between entrepreneurs and business leaders from the three countries.
Fundación COTEC, Fondazione COTEC e COTEC Portugal irão debater b oas práticas no âmbito da inovação, com especial enfoque na valorização do conhecimento gerado nas universidades, na promoção do crescimento das PME e na sustentabilidade da gestão da inovação empresarial. COTEC Foundation, Fondazione COTEC and Portugal will discuss COTEC b oas practices in innovation, with special focus on the enhancement of knowledge generated in universities, the promotion of SME growth and sustainability of the management of business innovation.
O COTEC Europa conta com a participação do Rei Juan Carlos de Espanha, do Presidente da República de Itália Giorgio Napolitano, e do Presidente da República de Portugal Aníbal Cavaco Silva. The COTEC Europe with the participation of King Juan Carlos of Spain, the President of Italy Giorgio Napolitano, and the President of Portugal Anibal Cavaco Silva.
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Bendis' Presentation to follow.