Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

In states across America, higher education institutions and systems are working to become key drivers of economic development and community revitalization. They are:

  • Putting their research power to work by developing new ideas that will strengthen the country’s competitive edge in the new economy — and then by helping to deploy those innovations into commercial use.
  • Providing a wide range of knowledge-focused services to businesses and other employers, including customized job-training programs, hands-on counseling, technical help, and management assistance.
  • Embracing a role in the cultural, social, and educational revitalization of their home communities.
  • And, most fundamentally, educating people to succeed in the innovation age.

Together, these trends suggest a new paradigm for economic development programs — one that puts higher education at the center of states’ efforts to succeed in the knowledge economy.

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Authors: David F. Shaffer and David J. Wright