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Welcome to the longest, and perhaps most important SBIR Insider to date. If you think it will be laborious reading it, imagine writing it! If you can stick with this, I guarantee that you will learn important items about what's going on in SBIR. Let me peak your interest by saying if I were a Las Vegas oddsmaker, I'd give 6 to 5 that SBIR is going to expire and lapse, at least for a time starting October 1.

In recent weeks you've been deluged with enormous amounts of what may most accurately be described as political "claptrap" surrounded by reports of financial chaos in historic proportions. During this same period "insensitive" negotiations have transpired between House and Senate staffers on SBIR reauthorization.


To read the full, original article click on this link: SBIR Insider 6-16-11 Issue

Author: Rick Shindell