Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

imageI have spent the majority of my adult life investing my own and other people's money in entrepreneurs. That's why I know the U.S. has a serious problem on its hands.

Although the stock market has tentatively rebounded, funding for the one area in which America has a distinct competitive advantage--that is, new company formation--is in scary decline. That may be a familiar refrain by now, but that doesn't make the ramifications any less real. Or less dangerous.

America was built on entrepreneurship: Coca-Cola ( KO - news - people ), Kellogg ( K - news - people ), Ford Motor Company ( F - news - people ), the list of household names goes on and on. Judge a business-plan competition at almost any American university and you'll hear about the next Googles and Intels. Our culture breeds dreamers who eagerly work 70 hours or more a week to improve our professional and personal situations.

To read the full, original article click on this link: A Funding Fix For New Businesses -

Author: Walter Buckley