Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Economic development executives from 11 large Canadian cities across the country agreed today to create a new unified brand called after meeting this week in Quebec City with 22 members of the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. 

The new branding recognizes the dominant role of urban economies and will be used to attract trade and investment opportunities around the world. According to members of “C-11”, Canada’s large cities represent more than 50 per cent of Canada’s economic activity. Similarly, the globe’s top 25 mega-cities, including Beijing, Mumbai and Mexico City, account for more than half of the world’s wealth, while the top 40 mega-regions account for 66 per cent of all economic activity and about 85 per cent of technological and scientific innovation, according to the United Nations’ biannual State of World Cities report.  

To read the full, original article click on this link: Economic Development Agencies from Canada’s Large “C-11” Cities Agree to Promote International Trade and Investment with New Unified Brand | Manitoba Chambers of Commerce