Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Last week we had the chance to make three separate presentations to MBA and IT major students at both Stanford University and the University of Berkeley, Haas School of Business.

The response was very positive overall, with lots of questions from both sides. The presentations had slightly different focus:

The Eight Things I Learned in Asia” at Stanford, with a focus on Asia, culture, career and innovation (for a group of Asian Stanford students). Talk and discussion duration: 90 minutes

Rethinking Innovation” at Berkeley with a focus on innovation / business models, with the purpose of challenging some common misconceptions about Asia, inventors, innovation. It includes a few “problems” I asked students. The presentation highlights the importance of cross-market/cross-cultural aspects to understand how some companies succeed while other fail in Asia (and by extension, elsewhere). This talk was given twice, to groups mostly composed on MBA students. Total duration: 90 + 120 minutes

Rethinking Innovation at Stanford and Berkeley