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Washington ExaminerMontgomery County's elected officials said Thursday they plan to create new tax credits and "enhance the environment for entrepreneurship" to boost the county's once-vaunted -- but now lagging -- biosciences industry.

Bioscience has long been a pillar of the county's economy. Montgomery County is home to the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration and its main artery, Interstate 270, has been dubbed "DNA alley" because of the numerous public and private biotech companies that surround it.

But county business and political leaders said they county isn't attracting new businesses at the rate it should and is losing out to competitors, both worldwide and local. Last month, rival Fairfax County announced the creation of a major genetics research institute expected to bring in more than 500 high-paying jobs.

Montgomery County looks to boost lagging biotech | Washington Examiner