Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Ann ArborSerendipity is a wonderful thing, but it’s no way to build an economy.

We can’t rely on dumb luck to connect the people, ideas and capital that will create the businesses of the future. We all love the stories of life-altering breakthroughs being pulled out of thin air.

We hold dear tales like that of Archimedes exclaiming “EUREKA” upon discovering that the volume of his body submerged in his bath must displace an equal volume of water, solving the previously intractable problem of measuring the volume of irregular shapes. But Archimedes’ “discovery” was no fluke. He was the leading mathematician of antiquity. He brought tremendous skill and background to this challenge before his eureka moment.

Original Article: Creatively connect talent with opportunity to rebuild economy -