Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

capsearchIn the latest issue of the Arkansas Times, I wrote a short piece about a big idea we have at Capsearch. Our big idea is building a more vibrant high-tech community in Arkansas. I borrowed largely from Paul Graham of Y Combinator, he has great stuff to say about startups here. We are proposing a pretty radical idea – paying web startups to relocate to Little Rock with state/city funds. We have some fantastic local assets to work with – ample private capital, a good university (UALR), and most importantly a strong entrepreneurial spirit. What we need more than anything now is innovative thinking and creative strategies to ensure that we build the type of economic future we want. I would love to hear your thoughts and any ideas or suggestions. Here is the AT piece:

Original Article: Building A Vibrant Startup Community in Arkansas | Insiders' Blog