Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

"As countless studies have demonstrated, the key to unlocking the innovation economy is talented, driven and risk favorable people. Motivation, inspiration, and the capacity to dream and to act on those dreams are the greatest assets in the global innovation competition."

These two sentences begin the Public Policy Institute's new report entitled "Transcending the Hamster Cage, Unfettering New York's Static Innovation Economy." If you have not yet read this report, I encourage you to do so. The report’s findings are directly applicable to the Quebec-New York Corridor.

Within the last week, we have seen that Quebec has done extremely well in attracting venture capital investment, an accomplishment that speaks of the culture of innovation that is being driven north of the border. In New York State, we are all too often the hamster on the wheel, expending incredible amounts of energy and resources but going nowhere.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Creating a Culture of Innovation - THE CORRIDOR

Author: Mitch Ditkoff