Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

PerspectivesWhere do we grow from here? As a new era beckons, we must recognize the real opportunities.

As our economy shows signs of life, we will encounter both new and familiar challenges.

Like previous recoveries, this one will be unique and create new opportunities for growth and prosperity while old business models collapse with changing consumer demands. Unlike recent recoveries, however, there are transformational macro-economic forces at work that will redefine our economy and our quality of life.

The era of inexpensive energy and urban sprawl has passed as we now compete against rapidly growing economies for energy and other key resources. The convergence of the information age, efficient foreign capital markets and seamless transportation networks has created a level playing field, allowing entrepreneurs to build companies virtually anywhere on the planet. Closer to home, we face an unfamiliar challenge of slowing population growth. The fact is that our rate of historic population growth is neither sustainable nor desirable. With nearly 20 million people living in Florida, we have reached adulthood, and it’s time for us to assume our rightful role as a leader in determining our own economic destiny.

This recovery is the dawning of Central Florida’s next economic era.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Orlando | First Monday Magazine

Author: Scott Faris