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Heading - The S Word

There is one simple science policy issue that has united the main political parties over the past three decades: how to squeeze more profit out of Britain's world-class science.

Margaret Thatcher, Gordon Brown and the prime ministers in between have been passionate about the central role that science should play in a modern economy.

So it comes as a surprise to see the chronic policy blunders identified by a recent report from the University of Cambridge. Cambridge is seen as a beacon of how to innovate and has spawned new sectors of industry in printing technology, semiconductors, wireless technology, software and scientific instruments, for example.

Exploding the Myths of UK Innovation Policy argues from the example of Cambridge that government thinking has been heavily influenced by three myths:

  • University research is the key source of technology and innovation for new hi-tech firms;
  • Venture capital is the primary source of finance;
  • The best way for Government to support technology development in companies is by funding multi-partner research collaborations between universities and private sector firms.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Politicians have been misled by innovation myths - The S Word - New Scientist

Author: Roger Highfield