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Wind hits a new high — setting record generation rates in TexasWind is generally considered the front-runner when it comes to renewable sources of energy. It’s both cheaper and more reliable than solar. The government certainly prioritized it last year when it doled out millions in grants mostly to wind firms. Now news of record-setting wind generation out of Texas confirms that turbines are probably the best bet.

Apparently, early this morning, about 19 percent of the power on the major Texan grid came from wind installations (about 6,272 megawatts) — that’s an incredible amount considering that green-minded states like California are hoping to hit 33 percent from renewable power in general 10 years from now. This is also significant given that not all of Texas’ turbines participated — the state’s Panhandle is actually on a different grid.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Wind hits a new high — setting record generation rates in Texas | VentureBeat

Author: Camille Ricketts