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Open Thread: When Is The Valley Worth Moving To?For many years, I have been famously (or notoriously) anti-Silicon Valley. There's nothing wrong with the place in iteself; what I detested was the snobbish notion that the Valley is the de facto or "best" place to run a startup or be involved with the tech world.

I'm now forced to eat my words as my hetero life mate and I prepare to move into a Burlingame apartment conveniently located a few blocks away from the startup he's now working at;
I have to admit, living in the Bay Area has been amazing so far, in professional and personal terms.

Still, if I were starting a company, would I move from Omaha or Nashville or Boulder to come to the Valley? Would you?

To read the full, original article click on this link: Open Thread: When Is The Valley Worth Moving To?

Author: Jolie O'Dell