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Brian Darmody's report says streamlining federal policies on tech transfer and entrepreneurship will create jobs and new businesses.  Credit: University of MarylandThe U.S. government can stimulate the creation of jobs and businesses by streamlining its policies for bringing new technologies to market, says a report from the Association of University Research Parks (AURP). The report offers a 10-point plan, including targeted federal investments, and would be especially beneficial for high-tech states, according to its author.

"This is not only about money—it's also a matter of adjusting the policies and regulations that too often deter entrepreneurial researchers in our universities and federal labs from commercializing their work," says report author, Brian Darmody, president of the AURP and University of Maryland associate vice president for research and economic development.

"Job creation in the United States will largely depend on start-up companies and entrepreneurs who populate university research parks, laboratories and incubators across the nation," Darmody says. "These are the main centers of innovation in this country. Much more of their work would be commercially viable if some of the roadblocks could be eliminated. Other countries simplify commercialization and lure away U.S. corporate research. We need to provide incentives to keep this work in the United States."

To read the full, original article click on this link: To Create Jobs, Streamline Technology Transfer, Report Says | Careers | Communications of the ACM

Author: University of Maryland