Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Of you saw Trevor Immelman drive a golf ball farther and harder than the rest of the field to win the 2008 Masters Tournament then you saw research from a Canadian university in action.

The shaft of his driver was made from Grafaloy, a revolutionary new nano-treated material that adds extra strength without increasing weight, and which was developed by Integran Technology Inc. of Oakville.

Integran, in turn, was created by PARTEQ Innovations, the Queen’s University unit responsible for commercializing research done by faculty members.

If the seasonings on your favorite snack food are in perfect balance, you might send a note of thanks to McMaster University. McMaster’s research commercialization team spotted work being done by a professor using digital cameras to remedy irregularities on production lines, gave him support and space at its industrial park and the result was Prosensus Inc.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Commercializing Research: We’ve got the brains, now we need some brawn

Author: Terrence Belford