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There are many ways to start a company, but catching a two-day-bus ride with 25 entrepreneurs is a new one.

A group of 25 strangers set off Tuesday on Startup Bus, a vehicle wired with Wi-fi and caffeine going from San Francisco to Austin, Texas, for the South By Southwest technology and music confab. As they left, the tech geeks were eating chicken and ribs left over from a kick-off party the group held the night before while organizing their business ideas.

Part gimmick, part contest, the Startup Bus tasks these entrepreneurs with conceiving five start-ups by the time the trip ends on Thursday.

The group is splitting up into small teams to develop their ideas. When they reach Austin, they will present them to Capital Factory, an incubator group in Austin and eStrategyGroup, an Australian consulting firm.

The winner will get mentoring and advice from Naval Ravikant, a Silicon Valley angel investor and a potential to get funded from angels in Ravikant’s network.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Austin Or Bust: 25 Entrepreneurs, Five Ideas And One Bus - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ

Author: Tomio Geron