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How to Quit Your JobFile this under entrepreneurial advice

I know that this will sound like a random post topic for startup advice but I promise it’s relevant.  You actually need to give advice to nearly every employee whom you offer a job to on how to best quit their job.  This is important to improve conversion rates of accepted offers / joiners, shorten the time-to-join ratio and the improve the ability of that employee to maintaing good relations with their former employer.

When I started blogging I had an idea.  I would take all of the one-on-one conversations that I have with entrepreneurs from the things I’ve learned and just write them up for anybody to read.  This is advice that I end up giving ALL THE TIME and every CEO of a company I’m involved with will have heard this from me. (also, please remember my disclaimer – I’m not a lawyer)

You just made an offer to a new employee to join your company. It might be a VP of Sales, Marketing or Technology. Or it may just be a junior programmer, sales rep or accountant. The reality is the same. In a startup you want them to join immediately. Tomorrow if possible.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How to Quit Your Job

Author: Mark Suster