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Open100 - Open business competition by Openbusiness.ccFor anyone who has ever had an inkling of interest in what this site covers, you should go to the Open100 competition. There is running a competition to find the top 100 best open innovators in the world, highlighting achievements in open innovation, crowdsourcing, co-creation, open source software, and open business. If you know of any companies that should be included, head over to nominate them before March 19th.

There are a ton of great examples of what is going on in this space, so I hope they leave the complete list of nominations up after the competition is completed on April 8th.

Thanks to a previous commenter, Daniel, for pointing me in the direction of IndieGoGo, a crowdfunding platform for filmmakers. I just nominated IndieGoGo along with Kickstarter (which was inexplicably missing from the Open100 list). Looking forward to the results.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Open 100: Finding the top 100 open innovators in the world | co>innovative