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Sometimes I like to tool around the Internet looking for hydrogen resources that may have flown under the radar of the mainstream media. In the U. S. there are many programs that are being developed simultaneously, especially different kinds of hydrogen roadmaps and state’s initiatives.

So, I thought I would outline a few of the most important and interesting of both of these areas.


The National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap developed in 2002 outlines a vision for transitioning the U. S. to a hydrogen economy and H2-based transportation system.

The California Hydrogen Highway Blueprint is part of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s directive in 2004 to the Golden State’s EPA to fast track the development of hydrogen fueling stations.

The Florida Accelerated Commercialization Strategy for Hydrogen Energy Technologies focused in particular the commercialization of H2 business in that state.

To read the full, original article click on this link: US Hydrogen Roadmaps and State's Initiatives You May Not Know | Hydrogen Fuel Cars and Vehicles

Author: Hydro Kevin