Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Manor Labs Innovation IncubatorBack in October of 2009, Manor, Texas launched an initiative in collaboration with Stanford University’s Peace Dot project that positioned the entire city of 6500 residents as an open innovation platform. Called Manor Labs, the program seeks to turn the town into a real-world incubator for change, exploring the ways that emerging technologies can bring efficiencies to city agencies and raise overall quality of life for the residents. The idea is to eliminate the barriers associated with taking new processes from the concept stage and scaling them up to work within the framework existing institutions. The theory being that there is no virtual model that can replace the results gleaned from testing out feasibility in an actual setting.

To that end, Manor Labs is a truly global initiative that encourages proposals and from developers and thinkers from around the world who are interested in trailing their solutions for improving everything from public works and city development to mobile information technology. Manor’s CIO explains the solicitation process in the video below:

To read the full, original article click on this link: Manor, Texas: City As Innovation Incubator - PSFK

Author: Manor Labs