Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

PricewaterhouseCoopersCities of Opportunity presents a rich view of city life at an important point in time. While many significant challenges remain the worst of the economic downturn may have passed. Growth is returning to many parts of the world. Forward-looking action on key social and economic issues can make major advancements for many. As the home to most of the world’s population and intellectual and economic capital, cities will be at the forefront of progress.

Central Park, New York CityEducation, energy, transportation, waste and water, health care, sustainability and urban migration are just a few of the areas where significant gains can be made if wise policies are pursued by the world’s leading cities.

It is in this light that Cities of Opportunity takes both a quantitative and qualitative look at the emerging picture of city life in 21 capitals of business, finance and culture worldwide. To a great extent, the successes and shortcomings that surface in the study substantiate the central thesis of our research: the more well-balanced a city is for both businesses and residents, the better it will fare.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Cities of Opportunity: Introduction to study of worldwide centers of finance, commerce and innovation by PwC and the Partnership for New York

Author: PWC