Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Sometimes it seems like we are all puppets being manipulated by the puppeteers. Think about what influences our behavior. It is media that permeates our lives everywhere we turn.

Behavior is the result of actions created by beliefs. Beliefs are created from experiences that influences the four components of the human DNA. Our DNA is like capital waiting to be used to “produce” something with or for others. The four capital component we each possess are intellectual, social, creative and spiritual capital. (see The Emergence of the Know Profile)

These four elements represent the human DNA that determines our individual and collective productivity. Our individual and collective productivity represents an economy. An economy is fueled by rates of production and consumption. Consumption is influenced by media used to propagate the value of things  produced.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Social Puppets & Puppeteers? | The Relationship Economy......

Author: Jay Deragon