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Taipei, April 5 (CNA) Private activist groups that have been pressing for a boycott of the passage of an industrial innovation bill urged the legislature Monday to put the brakes on its passage and review it again "before it is too late." Ruling Kuomintang (KMT) legislators were scheduled to meet their counterparts from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) the following day for negotiations over the bill, which failed to clear the legislative floor in late March due to a filibuster by DPP lawmakers.

Wang Jung-chang, convener of the Fairtax Alliance, said the bill, which continues and expands concessionary tax rates for major industrial investors, is full of injustice and partiality.

"The bill is not only unfair to smaller business and industrial operators, i

To read the full, original article click on this link: Private groups continue to boycott innovation bill - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

Author: Kelven Huang and Deborah Kuo