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There are many ways for marketing professionals to bamboozle customers into believing they are getting a better deal than they actually are — notable among them “as low as” pricing come-ons and offers that promise to deliver “up to” some standard of service.

The Internet is no stranger to this sort of gauzy offering, but it has become too central to the way Americans communicate to rely on dubious metrics. A consistent federal standard is needed to determine the speed at which Americans navigate the Internet so consumers can make informed choices about their service.

Broadband providers argue that their dazzling promises of “up to” speeds are not a gimmick. The National Cable and Telecommunications Association, a lobby group, is protesting a Federal Communications Commission report that says the typical speeds experienced by American consumers are less than half the “up to” speed advertised.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Editorial - How Fast Is Your Broadband? -

Author: NYT