Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

MindMaps ZAMarla is the consummate creative entrepreneur. She’s a bright creative thinker who follows through and gets things done. Everybody loves her for a reason – she treats everyone she works with, big and small, as a valued collaborator and potential ally. And her creativity is not limited to the artistic sphere – her entrepreneurial vision allows her to conjure new opportunities out of thin air, and she has the business savvy to make her dreams a reality.

Her success – like yours – depends on her ability to master three critical skill-sets:

  • Creativity – generating new ideas, evaluating them effectively, taking action to turn them into new products and services.
  • Collaboration – connecting and working with partners, clients, and other significant players in your network, which will probably be scattered across the globe and contain more ‘virtual’ relationships than face-to-face ones.
  • Entrepreneurship – identifying opportunities in the marketplace and using business skills to turn ideas into products into profits.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The 3 Critical Characteristics of the Creative Entrepreneur » MindMaps ZA

Author: Mark McGuinness