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Focus is key in landing a tech jobI [Scott Kirsner] occasionally get e-mails from soon-to-graduate students asking how they can find a tech job. Last week, I received one from a Babson College senior.

I usually feel ill-equipped to provide good advice; while I have a job covering the tech community, it has been a long while since I’ve interviewed for jobs. So what recommendations would you share with students, many of whom are trying to make plans for June and beyond?

Here are five bits of advice I’d toss out, to get things started:

  • Show that you understand how to use social media — and that means something other than a personal Facebook page. Start a blog about a topic that interests you, create a Twitter account to share links about an industry sector you’d like to work in, or shoot videos of events you attend and upload them to your own YouTube channel. For many entry-level employees, being a “power user’’ of social media will be one of the things that gets you hired.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Tips for landing first tech job - The Boston Globe

Author: Scott Kirsner