Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Business Xpansion Journal (Duran) - “The United States doesn't have an innovation plan, where the rest of the world has a plan and is working very hard on it,” says Paul Fowler, research director and editor of NACFAM Weekly for the National Council for Advanced Manufacturing. The countries are constructing their advantages the same way we did in certain areas of education and R&D, Fowler adds. “It is just that the rest of the world has a lot of growth potential because they were so far behind in us in education and the amount of R&D, not just as a percentage of GDP, but also overall investment. They are catching up because they are making the investments we have always had.”

“Our competitors from Britain and Finland to Japan and South Korea have created national innovation strategies designed specifically to link science, technology, and innovation with economic strength,” noted William B. Bonvillian, director, MIT's Washington office, during a presentation at “The Global Innovation Context for Manufacturing Advance,” hosted by the National Defense Industrial Association in November. What's more, these countries have also formed new innovation institutions to coordinate these strategies.

“The United States is one of the only countries among the world's leading economies that lack a true national innovation strategy and the institutional focus to coordinate it — OSTP could play this role but must be empowered and staffed to do so,” Bonvillian told the conference's attendees.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The NACFAM Weekly: Why A National Innovation Strategy Must Be Implemented