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Founded by Rich Bendis Ron Conway Super Angel Ron Conway   Nice Guys Don’t Always Finish Last Ron Conway is the Robert Pattinson of angel investors.

Hell, if Conway had a gig on Twilight he’d turn all the bad vampires into good ones!

So how did the angel investor who endowed Google and PayPal become so very successful?

Conway is often referred to as the messiah of angel investors worldwide, and according to an article by Chris O’Brien, Conway walked the hard road with poise to take the title as Silicon Valley’s most influential startup investor.

O’Brien states that, while most VCs are best known for the money they’ve made, Conway is best known for the people he knows and the way he treats them – which is well.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Super Angel Ron Conway – Nice Guys Don’t Always Finish Last | Venture Hype

Author: The Hyper Team