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We are all familiar with the classic art and innovations of Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison. Despite the passing of centuries, these geniuses are still well-known and revered. Yet many of us know very little about how these highly intelligent men pursued the innovation process itself.

How did da Vinci and Edison go about developing their great ideas? Are there lessons we can learn from their approaches? Bestselling author Michael J. Gelb has devoted years to researching the lives of these legends. I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Gelb about his work:

Q: You've written two books about how Leonardo da Vinci and Edison innovate. How do these innovation approaches apply to today's connected, digital world?

Gelb: Five hundred years ago, Leonardo da Vinci predicted that the world would be linked by communication devices, and 100 years ago, Thomas Edison invented much of the technology that spawned our connected, digital world. The principles of creative thinking that they utilized are universal and timeless, and especially relevant today as innovation becomes ever more important.

To read the full, original article click on this link: What Would da Vinci and Edison Say to Today's Innovators? | Fast Company

Author: Adrian Ott