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Often people tell me they feel stuck and don’t know what to do. They blame their lack of resourcefulness on an inability to find creative solution to the issues facing them. From personal experience I have faced many moments where my thoughts have felt backed up against a wall, unable to think of what to do next, my creative centre experiencing a moment of draught. I don’t think of myself as being highly creating but with these 7 tip have shown me how to boost my problem solving capacity and my creativity.

The creative doldrums effect even the most creative people. They to get bored, starts going round in circles, or hit cul-de-sacs. Try the following 7 unusual creativity boosters that research has shown will increase your creativity:

1. Psychological distance

People often recommend physical separation from creative impasses by taking a break, but psychological distance can be just as useful.

Participants in one study who were primed to think about the source of a task as distant, solved twice as many insight problems as those primed with proximity to the task (Jia et al., 2009).

◊ For insight: Try imagining your creative task as distant and disconnected from your current location. This should encourage higher level thinking.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 ways to boost creativity |

Author: Source: Psyblog