Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Score CardThe Small Business Association of Michigan and Small Business Foundation of Michigan have released their 2009-2010 Entrepreneurship Score Card. This comprehensive report examines Michigan’s competitiveness around many entrepreneurial measures including:

* Entrepreneurial Change: The amount of entrepreneurial growth or decline in an economy over the recent years
* Entrepreneurial Vitality: The level of entrepreneurial activity – pace and robustness of entrepreneurial activity
* Entrepreneurial Climate: The capability of an economy to foster entrepreneurship

The report finds the state of entrepreneurship in Michigan to be mixed. Encouragingly, the state improved on the above measures from previous years; Michigan is outperforming most Great Lakes States; and the concept of economic gardening is being embraced more thought leaders in the state. Disappointingly, though, the state still ranks very low in comparison to other states in measures such as economic competitiveness and “Best States for Business.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Michigan's Entrepreneurial Scorecard | Moving Ideas to Market