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doghouse_may10.gifIf you are a subscriber to Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis's listserv (you are, right?), you probably found your email inbox slammed last week when the list briefly allowed recipients to reply to the entire list. In today's "Jason Nation" missive, Calacanis apologized, explaining the error and using it as a launching pad to discuss what can be an unpleasant but sometimes necessary task: firing an employee at your startup.

In the case of Calacanis's email, it seems, the sys-admins who set up the list accidentally left the "post to list" setting on for several thousand list members. Oops. Calacanis recognized the problem almost immediately and shut the email server down. And according to Calacanis, the individual responsible was apologetic, fearing that he'd be fired.

To read the full, original article click on this link: "You're Fired!" (Or Not): Advice on When to Fire Your Startup's Staff

Author: Audrey Watters