Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis’ quest for capital is never ending. Capturing this capital is part of the challenge of building a sustainably profitable company. So even after you pitched your business plan and outlined all the reasons why angel investors should invest in your company, obtaining angel financing isn't easy. So then, what is the best way to secure angel investment?

Start by networking. Seek out the right connections to potential investors by attending investment forums, small-business education programs, business-plan competitions, social gatherings and other events where individuals interested in inventing congregate. Most of these activities and events are in your backyard, so you’ll find them by staying local. It is appealing to go elsewhere where the grass (i.e., “money”) is perceived to be greener and more plentiful. With some exceptions, angel investors tend to invest close to home. They do so because they want to provide guidance, provide help when and where they can, and keep tabs on their investment.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Practical Tips for Finding Angel Investors - GAIN-net

Author: David Whitney