Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Urban Corridor Ask most anyone around the country, and Iowa is known for one thing: food production. We are the breadbasket of the globe. Our contribution to the worldwide community is an important but unglamorous one. Our state gets lumped in as a flyover state, confused with others such as Idaho and Ohio, and is assumed by outsiders to be a place where every resident seemingly lives on a farm.

Despite our humble agricultural facade, the state of Iowa is progressing in ways that is earning it recognition nationwide. Recently, I attended a learning session for work where the speaker from Innovative Kinetics discussed alternative energy solutions such as wind power, solar power, and electric vehicles. Anyone who has driven along I-80 in western Iowa or through parts of northern Iowa knows that this state has a large presence of wind turbines.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Urban Corridor: The Green Economy & Iowa

Author: Urban Corridor