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Mark Zuckerberg SpeakingDespite all the criticism that Mark Zuckerberg has taken for his actions in the past, there is one thing that nobody can contest: Zuckerberg is an extremely shrewd business person. He often thinks in terms of decades, not days, weeks, or months, and has built the only site that has ever had the chance to take down (or at least compete with) Google. So what is it that has brought him to this point and what should entrepreneurs take away from his successes?
Think Long-Term

If there is one lesson that every entrepreneur should take away from Mark Zuckerberg, it’s that holding tight to a long-term vision is critical to experiencing massive success. While that vision is subject to adjustments over time, thinking in terms of a 5 to 10, even 20 year horizon while making any business decision, will help guide a company toward long-term stability.

To read the full, original article click on this link: What Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From Mark Zuckerberg

Author: Nick O'Neill