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Founded by Rich Bendis

Welcome to PIWe receive a lot of emails from entrepreneur, either asking us for review of their product or general query on the industry. Given by the quality of some emails, I sometime pity VCs because of the possible email grind they end up going through!

Many entrepreneurs, especially first timers take email communication casually and in the process, hurt their own interest. Here are a few tips that will help them survive the email business.

1. Do not use Gmail/Yahoo for Official Purpose

If you are in a serious business, why not use your business id? If you want to be taken seriously, do yourself a favor by using your company domain id.

It hardly takes a few minutes to configure the same in Google apps.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Basic Email Etiquette for Entrepreneurs – Can you stop using Gmail Please?

Author: sinha