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Titaly-worldcup.jpghere are many things that make me a crappy entrepreneur. Just naming a few: I second guess myself, I spend too much time on projects, and the act of speaking to people in real life makes me want to throw up. Not exactly a shining example of a business owner, right?

That said there is something that has helped me in my trials as a reluctant entrepreneur. Do you want to know what it is?

I’m competitive. And I’ve been taught how to compete.

As a kid, my competitiveness was channeled through sports. Being tiny and less than 100 pounds through the age of 14, I broke a lot of bones hurling my body at competitors on the soccer field. I had no fear of getting hurt, even if that meant I spent much of my youth in arm casts.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Keys To Competing In Business

Author: Lisa Barone