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David F. CarrJames Sinclair, head of the hospitality industry turnaround firm OnSite Consulting, says one of the biggest challenges his employees have had adapting to the way he runs his business is answering the question, "But where is your company based?"

The answer: Wherever the work needs to be done. "We have 65 people, and we have no office," Sinclair explains. Headquarters is a post office box; he also has an Internet-based phone and unified communications system.

Sinclair used to have an office. "Sure, we picked out a nice office with a conference room and people working away. But our clients don't want to see our office, don't want to see the conference room. They want us to come to them," he says.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Why Companies Don't Need Headquarters -

Author: David F. Carr