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For several years now, I have been keeping a close eye on Brazil and its entrepreneurial scene. From a business perspective, Brazil has been booming for several years, with massive increases in foreign investment and an increasing amount of attention from US- and Europe-based companies. Even though its economic performance may be somewhat less stellar than that of its BRIC-neighbors, it is clear that a potential market of 192 million inhabitants, abundant natural resources and a GDP-rate about double of the EU-average equal a very attractive value proposition for potential investors.

Following a conversation with Diego Remus, CEO of Startupi, one of Brazil’s leading startup blogs, I was surprised to learn that the Brazilian entrepreneurial scene does not seem to be seeing a lot of that investment – foreign business angels and venture capital firms seem reluctant to invest in Brazilian startups. According to a recent blog post, “In September 2009 Naspers Group, already present in Brazil, acquired nearly all of Grupo Buscapé. It had been a while since we’d seen an acquisition as notable as that one here. The whole world waited expectantly for more buys, which didn’t happen for a while but things are picking up again.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Startup Samba – Ten Reasons to Invest In Brazilian Startups (6/8) | Beyond The First World

Author: Ago Cluytens