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True blood: This piece of paper has been treated with antibodies that reveal blood type by stopping the flow along one or more arm. The sample here shows the blood type A-positive. Credit: Gil Garnier Researchers at an Australian university have developed the first dipstick-type test to determine blood type. The test involves putting a drop of blood onto a thin piece of paper that has been specially printed with antibodies; as the blood seeps into different parts of the paper, the blood type is revealed. The researchers say the test, which costs pennies, could improve medical treatments in the developing world.

Blood typing is one of the most basic medical tests, but it currently requires delicate analysis with microfluidic or optical devices and costs hundreds of dollars per test. People have one of four main blood types, based on antigens on the red blood cells: A, B, AB, and O. Knowledge of blood type is critical to successful blood transfusions, which save millions of lives each year worldwide, and using the wrong type of blood can trigger a fatal reaction

To read the full, original article click on this link: Technology Review: A 10-Cent Blood-Type Test

Author: Katharine Gammon