Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

The average local retailer or restaurant may not be a feasible candidate for venture capital funding, but if you have an idea for an innovative product or service-or if you are starting a small business that could otherwise be positioned for high growth-you may want to consider stepping into the venture capital game.

Venture capital is an elusive animal-Guy Kawasaki, managing director for Garage Technology Ventures, admitted in a recent post on his blog that "someone once told me that the probability of an entrepreneur getting venture capital is the same as getting struck by lightning while standing at the bottom of a swimming pool on a sunny day. This may be too optimistic."

However, venture capital can also be immensely valuable for a small business in the tough startup stage. Here are seven questions to assess whether you are a good candidate for VC funding.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Big Backing: Are You an Attractive Venture Capital Candidate? | Finance and Accounting | OfficeArrow

Author: OA Staff Writer