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Shared problems, new technology and better communication all mean innovation is ready to drive development, say Gordon Conway andJeff Waage.

Science innovation’s potential to boost international development has never been greater.

Rich and poor increasingly face shared problems. We are all facing agricultural insecurity, infectious and chronic diseases with global spread, and the challenges of developing a low carbon economy and adapting to climate change.

And while rich and poor will take different paths, common problems will have elements of common solutions, particularly in science and technology.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Africa » Innovation’s development opportunities


Gordon Conway is professor of international development at Imperial College London, United Kingdom.

Jeff Waage is director of the London International Development Centre and professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, United Kingdom.

This opinion is based on the conclusions of the authors’ new book Science and Innovation for Development published by the UK Collaborative on Development Sciences in January 2010.