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You have the idea and you have the motivation, but do you have the money? The credit environment right now stinks and you aren’t thrilled with the idea of applying for business loans. Fortunately, you have other options for raising seed capital. If you are creative-minded and determined, you can locate the money you need to start your businesswithout asking a business bank to help.

Tap angel investors

Angel investors are wealthy individuals who deploy their money in business start-ups. They don’t do it because they’re nice people; they do it to make money. A successful small business start-up can provide an investment return that’s well in excess of what exchange-traded stocks or bonds might produce.

Angel investors do not hand over their money casually. Expect to provide potential angel investors with all the documentation you’d give the bank when applying for a loan, such as your business plan, financial projections, market research, product data, etc.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Beyond Business Loans: 6 Ways To Generate Seed Money For Your New Business | Term Life

Author: Term Life