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Four Trends That Will Change China's Financial FutureThe financial media's coverage of China tends to focus on trade-related topics such as U.S. demands that China revalue the yuan, or the recent 48% rise in Chinese exports.

But to really get a handle on the possible risks and opportunities in China, investors need to keep track of powerful cultural and governance trends that could dramatically alter the financial and economic landscape in the years ahead.

Here are four longer-term trends that will change China, significantly affecting the finances of both its residents and trading partners in potentially unpredictable ways.

1. The Rise of the Labor Movement

Strikes at Honda Motor plants and unrest at tech manufacturing giant Foxconn are not isolated incidents, but rather examples of the growth of a new labor movement in China that seeks higher wages, better working conditions and meaningful respect for labor laws. Whereas in the past, the government's security forces broke up labor demonstrations, the new migrant workers know their rights and are tech-savvy, making use of China's 787 million mobile phones to send text messages about demonstrations and labor-law rights.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Four Trends That Will Change China's Financial Future -- and the World Economy - DailyFinance
