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UCB, Inc. (U.S. headquarters in Smyrna) is one of more than 800 bio-tech companies in Georgia. (photo-Edgar Treiguts)ATLANTA — UCB, Inc. (U.S. headquarters in Smyrna) is one of more than 800 bio-tech companies in Georgia. (photo-Edgar Treiguts)
Leaders in Georgia’s life sciences industry say the start-up of a new resource center will give a boost to the state’s bio-tech economy.

Officials say the Georgia Bioscience Commercialization Center in Atlanta will serve as a mentoring resource for those wanting to start a bio-tech business. About 20 people from the private company side of bio-science will volunteer their time to help.

State economic development and legislative leaders make no secret of their desire to grow bio-business in the state. Right now 800 bio-tech companies bring in $16 billion in revenue.

To read the full, original article click on this link: New Center Pushes Bio Entrepreneurship | Georgia Public Broadcasting

Author: Edgar Treiguts