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imgSo, yo’are an eager entrepreneur with the next best thing since sliced bread in your hands and your IP adviser has told you that you must not expose your idea without first securing a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

So far, that makes sense and seems like good advice.

Next, you decide to approach investors so that you can ask them to put their hard-earned money into your fledgling business and help turn your great IP into mountains of cash.

That too makes sense and seems a reasonable approach.

Your IP attorney, or your lawyer provide you with the correct documentation — a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or a Confidentiality Agreement (CA) designed to protect your intellectual property (IP). (One copied from a mate is not a good idea, unless your mate is a specialist lawyer.)

To read the full, original article click on this link: Why won’t prospective investors sign my confidentiality agreement? | Anthill Magazine

Author: Jordan Green