Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

imgWhen I finally screwed up the courage to leave the world of corporate cubicles and launch my own start-up company, it presented me with an interesting problem – what do I say when people ask me what I do?

No longer can I be pigeon-holed into one of those generic, but succinct and important-sounding responses such as “accountant” or “regional manager”. As a new business owner I wear many hats that can change daily, or even hourly. A simple title doesn’t even begin to do justice.

If I tell people I have just started a company, they inevitably demand an explanation of what the company does. Now that is easy to answer if you are providing an existing product or service, but how do you explain a missionary business before people’s eyes glaze over and they start looking for someone more interesting to talk to? This is a real problem for tech start-ups where typically only 1% of the population would even understand what the hell you are talking about.

To read the full, original article click on this link: When someone asks, What do you do for a living? Do you tell them you’re an entrepreneur? Or does that just feel weird? | Anthill Magazine

Author: Andrew Richards