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Founded by Rich Bendis you’re an entrepreneur, odds are you’re insanely busy. You may welcome constructive suggestions to improve your business, but don’t really have time to hunt for answers. The good news is there are plenty of great books on the market that can help make a difference.

No time to read? You’re not alone. But starting tomorrow here in the Entrepreneur Corner, I’ll be providing monthly reviews of helpful books for entrepreneurs that are meant to at least capture the authors’ big ideas.

I love reading: the value you get from an insightful book amazes me. You are, in essence, getting the benefit of an author’s life’s work for a trivial amount of money and an investment of a handful of hours. Even more, I am entertained in the process.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 must-reads for entrepreneurs | VentureBeat

Author: Javier Rojas