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It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been blogging, how many subscribers you have or even if you’re still waiting to get your first comment — we’re all want to become better bloggers. You want to continually increase your reputation as someone who knows their stuff and set yourself as valuable to readers. With that in mind, here are six tips to help you instantly improve your blog. That’s right; you can significantly improve your blog today.

Grab a pen.

Hone in on your goal: You started your blog for a reason, right? What was it? Often when small business owners blog they’re doing it to increase their search presence, create new content to attract users, increase sales, build a community, become an industry authority, etc. Whatever your reason (or combination of reasons), make sure that stays in the forefront of whatever blogging strategy you create. It’s really easy to fall off course and blog for the sake of blogging, but that attitude isn’t going to help you reach your goals or build your blog. Know why it is you want to build your blog and make sure you’re staying true to that.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Tips To Instantly Improve Your Blog | Small Business Trends

Author: Lisa Barone